Thursday, January 24, 2008


First, let me introduce myself and tell you who I am and most importantly, who I am not.

I am someone who likes to think about things that others do not; at least that has been my impression. I like asking questions like who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is justice? What is liberty? What is governments role in my life? What should it be? These thoughts could pop into my head any time of the day; when I am driving in the car, washing the dishes, doing my job, or watching tv.

Plato said the best way to do philosophy is through dialog. I don't think I get enough of that. So, I am starting this blog to get a chance to see other peoples points of view on those topics and to learn from dialog.

I am neither a writer nor speller so do not criticize me for those short coming instead criticize the content of my posts.

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