Friday, November 14, 2014

Because Picking Winners and Losers is What We Do

We cannot allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas.


Because: Picking winners & losers ... is the role of we politicians and the bureaucrats that we appoint. The American people (millennials, in particular) depend upon our infallible judgment. Just because we (the elite political class) have given unfettered advantage to certain ISPs (that would be our major campaign contributors), doesn't mean we shouldn't tighten the noose on innovation. After all, with the rapid advance of innovative technology, we may further lose our ability to regulate information provided the serfs citizenry.

Just as "Single payer Health Insurance" is a good idea, we should be striving for PIS (Public Internet Service) provided by the government. (After all, who would not say that the Public School systems are serving our nation well?)

Comcast, Time Warner Tank After Obama Announces Net-Neutrality Support